Jun 5, 2011

Burning Man

Every second Friday I get the chance to be a Man. I take the garbage cans and recycling down to the street, and later pick up the empties and feel lighter, freer, Accomplished. My house once again has a clean slate, cleansed of the rhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifubbish build-up, relieved of that karmic burden. I am Man, i have provided and protected and cleared my abode.

Imagine how much more manly and satisfying a bonfire can be. In 4 hours of heavy labour this morning I reclaimed a portion of my yard as big as our old city back yard. Up in smoke went 16 months of brush, blackberry bramble, apple shooters, branches and fir needles. Over a year of wasted space, heavy energy calling me to start Takin' Care of Business.

Every year in the Black Rock Desert, thousands of pilgrims set fire to their past and reclaim their souls at Burning Man festival. I may not have helped plant the beans today, but i played the other side of Shiva and destroyed my way through to new growth.

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